How Should I Respond to Reviews?

Written by Stratus Support
Updated 4 years ago

If you’re like most consumers, you’ve probably read reviews before making some sort of transaction. According to a Spiegel Research Center study, nearly 95% of shoppers read online reviews before making a purchase. In this article, we'll give you some tips in responding to reviews.

Why should you respond to a positive review?

Receiving positive reviews not only feels good, but it looks good for your online reputation. With that said, responding to positive reviews is an opportunity for you to continue engaging with your customers.

Additionally, there may be SEO benefits to responding to reviews while using keywords. Let's take a closer look at an example response.

Review and response example

Using the above review, let's craft an example response:

Thank the customer for leaving a review

A "Thank You" goes a long way. Let the customer know your appreciation for taking the time to leave you a review. 

"Thanks for your kind words, Allison!"

Address specifics in their review with keywords and your business name

If your customer had a good experience with a specific person, product, or location, comment on that in your replay. Additionally, use your business name and relevant keywords to help with SEO efforts.

"We're so glad you made switch to [ABC Dental]. We appreciate you trusting your teeth cleaning and filling needs with our talented dentists. We look forward to seeing you next time"

Why should you respond to a negative review?

Although receiving a negative review is never fun, think of it as an opportunity to make things right with the customer. Responding to negative reviews shows the reviewer and other readers that you are aware of potential issues and want to resolve them. Let's take a look at an example response.

Apologize for their negative experience

People typically leave reviews because they want to be heard. For negative reviews, acknowledging the customer and their frustration is key. Even if you can't determine that the reviewer was an actual customer, start your response with sympathy to their bad experience.

" Hi Amy. We are so sorry to hear that you had issues with your flooring."

Move the conversation to more appropriate channels

Offering the customer a way to contact you shows that you're serious about discussing the issue they had. 

"We strive to provide our best service and if you would like to discuss this more in detail, feel free to reach out to us at [phone or email] and ask for [person or department]."

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